An issuer, in order to qualify for a public crypto-assets offering in the EU and to apply for admission to trading on a trading platform, needs to be:
- legal entity;
- prepared a white paper;
- sent a notification about the white paper;
- published the white paper;
- complies with the requirements under Art. 13 of the Regulation.
The legal entity does not apply the white paper rules when the crypto-assets are:
- offered for free;
- are created automatically by mining as a reward for maintaining or validating transactions;
- unique and not fungible with others;
- offered to less than 150 natural/legal persons within one Member State, when these persons act on their own account;
- for a period of 12 months, the total value of a given public offering of crypto-assets in the Union does not exceed EUR 1,000,000;
- their public offering is intended only for qualified investors, and crypto-assets can only be held by such.
Regarding crypto-asset offering requirements, please contact us by going to contacts.